Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Linear Regression Calculation

Model : CASIO  fx-991MS, CASIO fx-570MS, CASIO  fx-100MS

Regression is an important part in statistical calculation. Here we develop relationship between two variables on the basis of observed data assuming the relationship to be linear, parabolic,quadratic etc.

Example: On the basis of following data establish regression equation between x and y assuming the relation to be linear.( Let y=A+Bx and Find out A,B,correlation coefficient r). Also calculate  Σx, Σx2, Σy, Σy2, Σxy, x̅, xσn, xσn-1,(standard variation), x̅, y bar,n, yσn-1, estimated value of y for x=18, estimated value of  x for y=20. (Answers: Σx=100, Σx2=2250, Σy=5043, Σy2=5086451, Σxy=101000, x̅=20, xσn=7.071,